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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Self Portrait Challenge: Introduction

So this is the first post to the new, official Self Portrait Tuesday site. So it's introduction time (though I think a lot of the not a lot of people who read this blog already know a bit about me or a bunch about me). I'm a searcher and guess I always will be. Searching for that elusive...something. I'm an artist, a computer geek, I try to be funny, I'm scared of ridiculous things, I'm moving soon (to a yet undisclosed location), I have an awesome family, an awesome boyfriend, great pets in my life (even Simon the Annoying Cat). I can be way too melancholy at times but I think I've learned some new ways in the past year or so to just let the feeling pass. I try to be creative as much as possible, which is something that I neglected for quite a few years but I'm happy to be back on that track. I yearn to travel but don't do enough of it. I love to read but have had trouble finishing a book lately. That's enough for now.

Want to see more cool self portraits? Visit self portrait challenge.


At 1:03 PM, Blogger Heidi R. said...

I love the mural in the background...great Spt! Why are u moving to an undisclosed location? Are u in the military? Anyway...nice to meet ya. :)

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Alan said...

I wanna see a picture of Simon!


How come Simon has never been in 3 Things 2 Things?

Show us all your pets!

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Allison said...

i love self portrait challenges. no matter how well you think you know someone (and through the internet that really can never be that well) there is always something new that they can tell you. so, nice to know a little bit more of you. i need to get involved in these self portrait challenges.


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