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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The time is NOW

Kerilyn has inspired me to get posting, so for today, just a little start back into the blogging world.
More to come I hope!

3 things that make you happy:
Hiking on the weekend
Relaxing completely
Planning trips

2 things you are looking forward to today:
A nice, long yoga workout
Getting rid of some clutter

2 long term things you are looking forward to:
Drinks at the Grove Park Inn for my birthday on Saturday
Ordering my new Nikon SLR digital camera (a wonderfully generous gift from my boyfriend)

1 person you are going to appreciate:
Dave for all of the chores and projects he's been doing around the house on his break from school

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At 7:58 PM, Blogger Allison said...

hooooooraaaaay! and a birthday on the way? well happy birthday! how have you been? and dave? looking forward to hearing from you more regularly again!

At 7:11 AM, Blogger thisdreamergirl said...

hey girl... I'm SO glad that your writing again too!! Let's try to help each other!!! It is theraputic.. check out [] too... Paper Doll told her readers and it's an awesome idea!! Love you!!! And girl... we're 32!!! Happy Birthday Kyra.. I love you!!!

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