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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Snow crunching

Gloomy morning and I know the days are getting shorter. Soon it will be dark by the time I am home from work. Always a transition that I dread... but that also means that soon comes that one cold night - the first snow - when I walk in the silent stillness that the flakes bring and I can only hear shoes crunching in the snow and a silver glistening shawl covers the white and there is complete peace in that moment. The occasional car tires can't break the peace; only add a bit of extra texture to the moment.

If you haven't heard Jolie Holland, please check her out. My brother Brody gave me a copy and it's fabulous. I have it stuck on repeat right now. Blues, jazz, folk. Great lyrics, phenomenal voice. Listening to her makes me feel like I am alternating...from a dark, smoky bar with a beer in my hand (and hers) to a front porch in the country, sitting on rockers while she plays and sings... sort of a dirty (dirt as soil as down-to-earth goodness) bliss if that makes any sense.


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